Travel Guard®
Compare Our Most Popular Plans For International Travelers.

International Travel Insurance

Cover your next international trip with travel insurance from Travel Guard.

Traveling overseas can be the experience of a lifetime, but it also presents a number of opportunities for travel delays or even health problems to occur. There's a chance that you might encounter setbacks in your travel plans, whether you lose your passport, sprain your ankle, or need to cancel your travel plans at the last minute.

A travel insurance plans from Travel Guard provides overseas travel coverage, helping you to be more prepared for the unexpected mishaps you might encounter along the way. Travel Guard makes it easy to tailor your travel insurance plan to suit your individual needs. Don't wait until it's too late: purchase travel insurance for your next international adventure from Travel Guard today.

Travel Guard plans have covered millions of travelers throughout the world. We're America's leading provider of travel insurance and assistance programs and we're here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Coverage provided through Travel Guard is easy to buy, and with our 24-hour emergency travel services, it's even easier to use.

Expenses incurred from third-party vendors for services not part of a filed insurance plan are the responsibility of the traveler.

*Non-insurance services provided by Travel Assist.

Compare Popular Plans

Plans may offer the following upgrades:

Medical Expense Upgrade

This upgrade doubles your Medical Expense coverage limit. Emergency Evacuation to the medical facility of your choice is included.

Cancel for Any Reason

If you are prevented from taking the trip for any reason not otherwise covered by your plan, you may be reimbursed 50% or 75% of the prepaid, forfeited, non-refundable payments or deposits!

Car Rental Collision Coverage

If your rental car is damaged while on your trip, you will have coverage to pay for repairs and rental charges!

Umbrella Package

This upgrade doubles your Emergency Evacuation coverage limit. Emergency Evacuation to the medical facility of your choice is included.